Friday, February 02, 2007

Homestead Pics

Keven lighting the candles.

Yikes!! Scary I actually look good.

Boy this is so easy!!!

Yew is that beans!!!

Even the little one helps with the chores

School time on slates.

Mama In the kitchen getting ready for brakfast.

The clothes line from last nights laundry.

Ripping rags for the rag rug.

A good game of marbles.

The End!!!!!


Tanya said...

Wow your heomsteaders day looked amazing,glad everything went well.I really loved the outfits,You looked great.

Jenny said...

Wow! Isn't that an amazing experience to give to your children!!
I can honestly say that I couldn't do it, but bravo to you!!
Your children will always remember the day "mama turned the lights off~!"

Gwen said...

Right on! The kids had a great time. Thank you so much for all your hard work!

I'd love to see that rag rug, BTW. Those things rock, I want to make one for my bedroom.

Lynnie Ha said...

awesome~!~!!~!~ looks like tons of fun!

jessicabrandenbarg said...

wow you put alot a work into that, it looks amazing. They will never forget that!!