Sunday, May 11, 2008

False Prophet or not??? That is the question

Okay. So I was cleaning out one of the units at my job last week and I spotted this book. So I look at it and thought right away ahh looks kind of cultish so I throw it into the box of stuff bound for the dump. Well as Roy comes to get the stuff for the dump he spots the same book and takes it into the truck. So imagine my surprise when I get into the truck anb see it there. I said to him that book is kind of weird no. He said it is about the Paul's journey and the book of Acts. So I started to read the book and to my excitment I am enjoying this book a great deal.. I love a good book. So on friday as I am reading this book I just get this sense that I should check the author up online. The problem with that is I am never sure where to check out if someone is real or false. So here is where your help come in. Have you heard of the author Gene Edwards. and if yes Would you say he is legit of some cultish fein. The book I was reading is called the Silas Diary. Okay I await your input.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I checked out a lot of sites about him and from what I've read I wouldn't read his stuff personally.